Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dear Comrades,
The much expected 6th CPC recommendations are out but we are shocked to find many retrograde recommendations. On the basic and foremost question of minimum scale of pay of Group D employees, we are cheated by the Pay Commission. The calculations of the Pay Commission by eliminating the basic tenets of 15th ILC like the components of HRA, Medical etc from the computation of the minimum wages of Group D has done maimum damage. The fixing of 6660/- is even below the formula applied by the 5th CPC in 1996.
As per the decision arrived at by the meeting of the extended National Executive of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers in Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March 2008, the entirety of the Postal Employees are called upon the agitate by way of protest demonstrations, rallies etc on 26.03.2008 throughout the country as per the call of the Confederation. NFPE and FNPO Federations have jointly calling upon all of the postal workers to implement the above call effectively.
Even the vital postal employees issues are ignored by the Pay Commission. The TBOP, BCR issue not given due consideration. The System Administrators and Marketing Executives and PO & RMS Accountants issues are sidelined. No mention about RTP period also by the Pay Commission. The Postal Employees feel totally disappointed.
All Comrades are requested to raise their united voice of protest against these injustices. All Comrades are also requested to visit the web site of the Confederation for detailes analysis of the common issues after 11.00 A.M today. All comrades are requested to study the entire recommendations which is available in the government web site and send your valued comments to the NFPE and CHQs for our consideration of future course of action.
Secretary General NFPE
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