Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sub: Payment of Severance amount to GDS who are enrolled under SDBS

National Federation of Postal Employees
All India Postal Employees Union Group C
All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MTS
All India Postal Employees Union GDS
The Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices
Palakkad Division,
Palakkad 678001

Memo No. NFPE/GDS/SDBS dated at Palakkad the 10.03.2017
Sub: Payment of Severance amount to GDS who are enrolled under SDBS


                With regard to the above subject your kind attention is invited to Dte letter no 6-11/2009 – P.E II dated 06.09.2016 issued by ADG (Est). This directorate letter, in S No 1, clearly clarifes that the severance amount can be paid directly to GDS at the event of promotion / resignation / retirement / exit from Service etc. The letter also directs the Circles to release the amount immediately.

2)            Non payment of SDBS recoveries along with severance amount at the time of exit from SDBS, for the reasons as above, was discussed, in detail, with Divisional administration in a number of periodical meetings. But to our dismay no positive action has been taken by administration to settle this burning issue and we strongly condemn this inordinate delay.

3)            Hence we urge upon the Divisional administration to release at least the severance amount, in light of the above Dte orders, to all eligible GDS officials. Also suitbale action may please be taken to transfer the recovered SDBS amount to NPS PRAN without any further delay. A copy of above Dte letter is enclosed h/w for kind perusal.

4)            An early may be taken on both the above cases.

Yours Sincerely

C Krishnadas                                  V Murugan                                        K S Unnikrishnan
Divisional Secretary                        Divisional Secretary                          Divisional Secretary
AIPEU Group C                              AIPEU Postmen & MTS                     AIPEU GDS

Encl: A/a

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